Torrevieja Cinema

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Cines IMF @ Ozone Leisure Centre

Cines IMF is a cinema located inside the Ozone Leisure Centre. With 8 screens and talk of more coming soon, it is a pretty large cinema. If you wish to view a film in English then you can do so by either picking a film that is advertised as V.O, you are given headsets whereupon you can hear the film broadcasted in its original language despite it being dubbed in Spanish. Or one day a week they dedicate one screen to showing a popular film in English so there is no need for the headsets. If you are going to view one of the V.O screenings then you have to pay a refundable €20 deposit to borrow the headsets, which you will get back when you return them.
The cinema has DOLBY, SDDS and DTS digital sound. The seats are comfy and spacious, with double armrest and are arranged in a tier system with wide spacing between rows.

Cines IMF Card

They run a loyalty card system, so if you are a big fan of going to the cinema and you live in the Torrevieja area, then it might be worthwhile getting one, It’s free to get and each ticket then purchased is worth one loyalty point (if bought from box office) or 2 points (if bought via phone or online) and 10 loyalty points equals one free ticket to the cinema from Monday through to Friday and 15 loyalty points equals one free ticket for a movie any day of the week.


  • Standard Price: €7
  • 3D Price: €8 (including glasses)

10 Pin Bowling

The Ozone Leisure Centre is an entertainment complex for the whole family to enjoy. With a variety of activities including Bowling, Virtual Zone Arcade, Soft play Area, Billiards, Mini Golf, a Cinema and much more, there is plenty of fun to be had!